Fill out survey for a chance to win one of two full week packages for Bear Week Provincetown™ 2025 25th Anniversary Celebrations

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  • Rules
    • No purchase necessary.
    • One entry per contestant.
    • Contest closes May 1, 2025 at midnight PST.
    • Drawing will be held during the first club meeting of the month and winners will be notified by email.
Past & Future Guest Survey
The Provincetown Bears would like your input on events we normally sponsor and events we have sponsored in the past during Bear Week Provincetown™. Some events have been dropped due to lack of interest or no one was available to lead the event. We would like to know if you would like to see these events added back onto our schedule to make a more rounded event for those who don’t attend other major events during the week. The dates for Bear Week Provincetown™ are July 12-19, 2025.
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Have you ever attended Bear Week Provincetown™?
Please select one.
If you have attended Bear Week Provincetown, which Provincetown Bears’ sponsored events did you attend?
Choose all Provincetown Bears events you have attended.
Locker Room Bear Party: The Singlet Party
Over the past several years, the Locker Room Bear party has been focused on celebrating the hits from the past 25 years of Bear Week Provincetown. Let us know if you would like us to keep it the way it is, or make some changes. Please choose one.
Which events would you like to see added back into our week long schedule?
Please choose all events you would like to see added to or continued during future Bear Week Provincetown events.
Would you like to enter our lottery to win a full week package for Bear Week Provincetown™?


  1. Don Robichaud

    Thank you to all the guys who have stepped up to ensure Bear Week in Provincetown will endure.

    • Thank you for your continued support Don! We believe in continuing John’s vision for Bear Week Provincetown™ and look forward to the future.

  2. Brian Cottrell

    Yes I agree any support we can lend a hand in please let me know

    • Brian,

      Thank you for your comment and offer to volunteer for next year’s Bear Week Provincetown™. We are creating a volunteer sign up form for those who would like to assist us in the future. Please check back in a week or two while we update our site with new info for next year’s event.

  3. Rick

    Thank you to all who help continue making this wonderful week happen! John’s presence and passion is still present through all of you. <3

    • Thank you for you wonderful comment. We are doing our best to keep John’s dream alive.

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